Purificatore d'aria Avalla R-150 con filtro True HEPA
SKU: AVX-350
762 reviews
£139.99£189.99risparmi £50.00
Filtrazione Eco-enhanced™
L'R-150 può essere utilizzato per purificare un'area fino a 78 m² utilizzando un motore altamente efficiente e di alta qualità. Il basso consumo energetico e i filtri a lunga durata ti faranno risparmiare circa £ 60 all'anno rispetto ad altri marchi leader. I prodotti Avalla utilizzano nuove tecnologie per aumentare l'efficienza e ridurre gli sprechi.
Bassi costi di gestione
Il sistema di filtraggio R-150 include un esclusivo prefiltro lavabile. È progettato per intrappolare le particelle di grandi dimensioni, quindi deve essere pulito solo una volta ogni 6 mesi e prolunga la durata del filtro a 12 mesi.
We get you on so many levels
4 models in 1 unit gives you great value for money. Dehumidifier, Ionizer, Clothes Drying and Sleep Mode makes this model suitable for all your needs. This product is great for all year-round use. With a 24hr timer function and child lock it is also safe and hassle free.
Quickly removes excess moisture
Protect against damp, mould, fungus and condensation
With X-350
Without X-350
We’ve got you covered
Suitable for multiple rooms with an impressive throughput of 120m³/h the X-350 will tackle the problem head on and help eradicate moisture where you need it most. It is fully portable allowing you to move it from one room to another for added convenience.
Pro-ion Technology
Ions actively break down harmful particles, eliminating 99.9% of bacteria and viruses while naturally deodorising the air. The ioniser negatively charges micro particles causing them to destabilise and bind together. Pollutants and VOC’s such as smoke, viruses and odours become too heavy to remain airborne, safely removing them from your home with zero ozone.
No more laundry day blues
Dry your clothes inside, safely and quickly at the touch of a button. The X-350 dehumidifier with SafeDry Technology can accelerate the natural drying cycle, help avoid damage caused by the heat of a tumble dryer and reduce the bleaching caused by the sun. Perfect for delicate, and hard-wearing fabrics alike, keep your clothes like new for longer.
Save on a rainy day (and every day)
Save ENERGY, MONEY, TIME, and DAMAGE. Save up to 95% of the cost of using a tumble dryer as well as lower energy consumption. With running costs as low as 4p per hour it is affordable to use. A dehumidifier saves time compared to drying clothes naturally and saves damage caused by excess moisture levels. Help save the planet too; we use CFC free environmentally safe R290 gas and plant a tree for every unit sold.
Healthy home, healthy you
Preventing the hidden dangers of mould
Create a healthy environment and protect against mould, mildew, damp, and condensation. By improving the indoor air quality, you can positively impact your health. Damp air is a breeding ground for dust mites and mould spores, both of which can cause respiratory problems and other health issues. Have dryer fresher air, reduced humidity and moisture levels and help tackle musty and stale odours.
One touch convenience
Easy to use and packed full of features, the X-350 gives you so much. The one touch control panel is easy to use and makes the operation and functionality simple. Turn on, sit back and relax. Once the large 2L tank is full, the device has an auto shut off function. Simply empty and go again. For added convenience it also has a continuous drainage feature for longer use times.
Smarter by design
Aero-Dynamic Technology delivers market leading efficiency, the sensor intelligently adjusts the speed depending on the humidity, creating a consistently comfortable environment. Using only 0.16kW/h at whisper quiet 30dB, 20% quieter than previous models, the X-350 quietly and effectively reduces moisture levels in your home with a humidity range of 30-80%.
Choose your champion
Confronto tra le specifiche dei prodotti Purificatore d'aria Avalla R-150 con filtro True HEPA, Purificatore d'aria Avalla R-150 con filtro True HEPA, Purificatore d'aria Avalla R-150 con filtro True HEPA, Purificatore d'aria Avalla R-150 con filtro True HEPA
Really fast delivery and does exactly what it says very well. Would definitely recommend to others.
Brian Heath
I was so impressed with operation and ease of use I decided to buy a second machine. The quality and result is a lot more than I thought possible.The second one is for the rear ground floor of my property and I am well satisfied with everything and also the less than 24hour delivery time.
Kevin Strudley
X-125 DeHumidifier
Having recently searched for a decent Humidifier I found the Avalla X-125 which not only looks great, it has a decent specification too. The touch panel on the top looks smart and is easy to select modes and I like how quiet it is too. One major plus is the low energy consumption and being a carbon neutral company also helped with my choice. The timer and clothes drying functions will be used for sure.
Giuliana Beltempo
Tutto ottimo 👍🏼
John D
great Unit For Home Use
So good, that i no longer dry myself after a shower, I just stand in front of the dehumidifier nude and within 20mins I am dry as a bone.
Jack A
Absolutely superb unit
Delayed review to ensure product was working.
I was recommended this product as our electric clothes dryer was causing spots of mould in our office.
Since purchasing, I no longer use the heated clothes dryer and instead, just run this. Clothes dry quicker, no mould spots have appeared since making the switch and its cheaper to run than the clothes dryer.
All in all a win/win.
Added bonus, its quiet and looks great
Villa Marianna Srl
Prodotto molto valido
Consegna veloce.
Ottimo prodotto.
Agostino Ubezio
Ottimo deumidificatore
Ottimo prodotto, fa quello che deve fare. Toglie l'umidità in eccesso in poco tempo. Io lo uso in bagno e non si appannano piu i vetri. Funziona bene anche come asciugabiancheria.
Deumidificatore Avalla X-125
Macchina piccola ma eccezionale….ottimo prezzo e pure la consegna….
Paolo Vecchiattini
Prodotto di buona qualità e estremamente efficiente! Molto contento di questo acquisto! Funziona perfettamente e ha ridotto notevolmente la quantità di umidità in casa! Molto soddisfatto! Lo consiglio vivamente!