Mit dem R-150 kann mithilfe eines hocheffizienten Motors in Premiumqualität eine Fläche von bis zu 78 m² gereinigt werden. Durch den geringen Energieverbrauch und die langlebigen Filter sparen Sie im Vergleich zu anderen führenden Marken etwa 60 £ pro Jahr. Avalla-Produkte nutzen neue Technologien, um die Effizienz zu steigern und Abfall zu reduzieren.
Geringe Betriebskosten
Das R-150-Filtersystem umfasst einen einzigartigen waschbaren Vorfilter. Da er so konzipiert ist, dass er große Partikel auffängt, muss er nur einmal alle 6 Monate gereinigt werden und verlängert die Filterlebensdauer auf 12 Monate.
We get you on so many levels
3 models in 1 unit gives you great value for money. Dehumidifier, Clothes Drying and Sleep Mode makes this model suitable for all your needs. This product is great for all year-round use. With a timer function and child lock it is also safe and hassle free.
Quickly removes excess moisture
Protect against damp, mould, fungus and condensation
With X-500
Without X-500
We’ve got you covered
Suitable for the whole house with an impressive throughput of 150m3/h the X-500 will tackle the problem head on and help eradicate moisture where you need it most. It is fully portable allowing you to move it from one room to another for added convenience.
No more laundry day blues
Dry your clothes inside, safely and quickly at the touch of a button. The X-500 dehumidifier with SafeDry Technology can accelerate the natural drying cycle, help avoid damage caused by the heat of a tumble dryer and reduce the bleaching caused by the sun. Perfect for delicate, and hard-wearing fabrics alike, keep your clothes like new for longer.
Save on a rainy day (and every day)
Save ENERGY, MONEY, TIME, and DAMAGE. Save up to 93% of the cost of using a tumble dryer as well as lower energy consumption. With running costs as low as 6p per hour it is affordable to use. A dehumidifier saves time compared to drying clothes naturally and saves damage caused by excess moisture levels. Help save the planet too; we use CFC free environmentally safe R290 gas and plant a tree for every unit sold.
Healthy home, healthy you
Preventing the hidden dangers of mould
Create a healthy environment and protect against mould, mildew, damp, and condensation. By improving the indoor air quality, you can positively impact your health. Damp air is a breeding ground for dust mites and mould spores, both of which can cause respiratory problems and other health issues. Have dryer fresher air, reduced humidity and moisture levels and help tackle musty and stale odours.
One touch convenience
Easy to use and packed full of features, the X-500 gives you so much. The one touch control panel is easy to use and makes the operation and functionality simple. Turn on, sit back and relax. Once the large 4.5L tank is full, the device has an auto shut off function. Simply empty and go again. For added convenience it also has a continuous drainage feature for longer use times.
Smarter by design
Aero-Dynamic Technology delivers market leading efficiency, the sensor intelligently adjusts the speed depending on the humidity, creating a consistently comfortable environment. Using only 0.24kW/h at whisper quiet 32dB, 28% quieter than previous models the X-500 quietly and effectively reduces moisture levels in your home with a humidity range of 30-80%.
Choose your champion
Spezifikationsvergleich zwischen den Produkten Avalla R-150 Luftreiniger mit echtem HEPA-Filter, Avalla R-150 Luftreiniger mit echtem HEPA-Filter, Avalla R-150 Luftreiniger mit echtem HEPA-Filter, Avalla R-150 Luftreiniger mit echtem HEPA-Filter
ottimo prodotto, comprato direttmente dal sito Avalla, per deumidificare una stanza di circa 25 metri quadri, abbassa la percentuale di umidità del 20% in circa due ore con consumi più che accettabili, intuitivo l'uso delle varie funzioni, bello il design
Great compact model, mostly have it in my porch, takes out lots of water and damp smelll has disappeared veryhappy with this model, just what I needed to resolve the problem.
Joaquim Bras
Avalla X-150
Amazing product very good! Very good at drying and dehumifying. I recommend it.
Gino Gallo
Un buon acquisto, fa il suo dovere ,umidità sparita all'ottanta percento anche di più. Sono soddisfatto , imballaggio fatto bene e consegna nei tempi. Credo che farò altri acquisti . Grazie
Jessica Bachis
A distanza di qualche giorno di continuo utilizzo mi posso ritenere soddisfatta. La qualità dell'aria è cambiata notevolmente non sentendo più quel fastidioso odore di muffa. Non trovo più nemmeno una goccia di condensa sulle finestre e riesce a tirar fuori un quantitativo di acqua non indifferente.
Mi sono trovato talmente bene, che ne ho comprato un'altro deumidificatore x-150
Mara Sanchez
Buen producto
El producto cumple con las expectativas. La entrega ha sido rápida y el embalaje perfecto.
Blesson Isac
Quality product
I bought few weeks ago this X500 for a 3BHK house . The build quality looks premium looks and finish. As the winter coming to an end I am not sure how much depth of review I can give. But so far so good . Drying tooks a while to do it's work. I usually keep clothes for drying in one room and switch on the clothes dry mode overnight. I checked on a shorter period of time like 4-5 hrs for drying but it didn't work. So apparently it worked fine overnight for around 10-12hrs for drying. And about normal dehumidifier mode it worked fine since I bought. Was able to collect 8-9 litres of water in the collection tank as usual . As I said will need a bit more time but the quality build is very good. Energy efficient too. Hope it helps.
Victoria Álvarez Rodríguez
Estuve tiempo mirando deshumidificadores para ver cual merecía más la pena y esta marca era la que mejores opiniones tenía.
Por ahora estamos muy contentos con el,recoge bastante humedad y el nivel de la misma baja de forma bastante rápida,es un poquito ruidoso nada fuera de lo normal pero por la noche nosotros no lo usamos.
En cuanto a consumo todavía no hemos podido valorar como es de eficiente pero seguramente cumpla en este punto también.
Si tuviera que volver a comprar otro sin duda lo haría con esta marca.
Deshumidificador Avalla X-150
Me ha sorprendido muy positivamente. Parece increíble la cantidad de agua que puede absorber del ambiente. Tenia una humedad del 79% y en un día bajó al 64%, llenando un depósito y medio de agua. Además no hay que preocuparse por dejarlo trabajando porque cuando el deposito está lleno se para automáticamente. El diseño es elegante y el funcionamiento es muy intuitivo. Lo recomiendo.